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 Student Competition Winners

H. E. Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Abdullah bin Thani, and after the approval of H. E. the President of the University, Professor Dr. Ahmed bin Salem Al-Amri, the general supervisor of the competition, approved the names of the winning students in a number of educational and national competitions.

The first competition was in the field of memorizing the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet, while the second competition came in the field of motivating students to read and benefit from useful books,

 Bin Thani added that the third competition: concerned with introducing students to the leadership role of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and highlighting the generous leadership efforts in chairing the G20 summit

The competitions received direct follow-up from the President of the University, who is keen to overcome the ways and overcome challenges, as the competitions were prepared at the level of students of scientific institutes with a clear vision, and tight goals to exploit the times of youth to benefit them, wishing all success.

7/6/2020 7:27 PM
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