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 In celebration of Arab Traffic Week 2024 the Security and Safety Directorate organized two impactful awareness exhibitions with the aim of emphasizing the significance of traffic safety in safeguarding lives.


The first exhibition, held on Thursday, May 9, 2024, at King Abdullah City for Female Students, took place in the atrium of Building (416) under the theme "With Our Awareness, We Arrive Safely." It featured informative and educational panels, visually engaging presentations on traffic safety, illustrations of traffic accidents, and informative brochures highlighting the importance of adhering to road regulations and safety procedures. A similar awareness exhibition was also conducted in Supporting Deanships (1) within the educational area.


‏Mr. Sultan H. Al-Bugumi, the Director General of the General Directorate of Security and Safety, emphasized that the exhibitions aimed to inspire road users to comply with traffic regulations and play an active role in implementing traffic safety measures. He underscored the significance of adhering to traffic rules.


‏Expressing gratitude and appreciation, Mr. Al-Bugumi commended the staff of the directorate for their participation and encouraged them to continue their efforts in achieving the objectives of the directorate.


‏These exhibitions exemplify the General Directorate of Security and Safety's commitment to actively promoting the importance of traffic safety and its role in preserving lives and property.​

5/21/2024 10:56 PM
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