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 Academic Research Deanship Organises Enriched Symposium


​​Deanship of Academic Research of Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University, in collaboration with Research Unit of College of Sharia and Islamic Studies – El-Ahsa, has organized lastly a symposium entitled “Culture of Knowledge and Academic Exchange at Saudi Universities” in the presence of Dr. Abdul-Rahman Al-Muzini, Dean of the College, and a number of the college’s dignitaries.

The symposium, which was started with a word of Dr. Abdul-Latif Al-Hussain, Professor of Culture at Sharia Department, where he focused on the development of the education, in general, and the university education, in particular, has attended by a number of the faculty staff members and interested persons.

In continuous with the word of Dr. Abdul-Latif, he addressed the aspects of the knowledge and science tools at Saudi universities, and particularly he clarified two of them, the first was the care about the knowledge capabilities of the faculty staff members and the other was the care about the strategies of the academic research at the universities. He, additionally, spoke about a number of recommendations including creating of a high-quality educational system working on developing the university community and the informatics community of the university. Moreover, to increase the knowledge awareness and spread the culture of knowledge exchange throughout encouraging the interchangeable visits between the researchers and students of the Saudi academic research centres.


5/8/2018 3:49 PM
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