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 ‏Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University Sends Scouting Team to Assist Hajj Pilgrims in 2024

​Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University (IMSIU) will be sending a scouting team to participate in organizing and serving the Hajj pilgrimage this year in 2024. This effort is being directed and overseen by the university's President, Professor Ahmed Alameri.

‏President Alameri's leadership in this endeavor reflects the university's commitment to utilizing its capabilities to support the national initiatives aimed at serving the needs of Hajj pilgrims. This annual participation by IMSIU is an extension of the university's ongoing cooperation with various state sectors dedicated to serving the guests of Allah.

‏This scouting team deployment is part of IMSIU's broader efforts to strengthen the culture of volunteerism and community engagement. It also aligns with the objectives of Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 to increase the number of volunteers supporting national events and programs in the years ahead.

6/9/2024 10:06 AM
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