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 Al-Imam University and IIUI Inked Two Agreements

​In the presence of H.E. Prof. Dr. Suliman Aba Al-Khail, Rector of Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University, and who doubles as Pro-Chancellor of International Islamic University in Islamabad "IIUI", Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University, representing by its Deanship of Information Technology and Deanship of Institutes Affairs Abroad, has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) and Collaboration Agreement with IIUI.

In statements after the signature ceremony, H.E. the university rector has stated that, the two-inked agreements will actually achieving the goals pursued by both universities. He praised the efforts of Dr. Ahmad Ad-Drawish, President of IIUI, in rendering success to IIUI activities.

From his part, Dr. Ad-Drawish has thanked H.E. Prof. Dr. Suliman Aba Al-Khail, Rector of Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University, for his staunch efforts and support to all activities and programs of IIUI. He revealed that, the two-inked agreements dealing with technology aspects, through benefiting from the experience of Al-Imam University and training, as well as advantaging from the experiences of Deanship of Institutes Affairs Abroad in teaching Arabic language to non-native speakers. He extended his thanks to both Dr. Waleed Al-Jandal, Dean of Deanship of Information Technology, and Dr. Abdullah Al-Salamy, Dean of Deanship of Institutes Affairs Abroad.

Dr. Waleed Al-Jandal, Dean of Deanship of Information Technology, pointed out that, the inked agreement with his deanship included providing some technical consultations and studies to implement the internet portal and the infrastructure of IIUI, as well as benefiting from the qualified officers of his administration. In similar vein, Dr. Abdullah Al-Salamy, Dean of Deanship of Institutes Affairs Abroad, has stated that, the inked MoU is aims to exchange experiences and faculty members and scholarships and programs between Al-Imam University and IIUI.

It is worth to mention that, Dr. Ahmad Ad-Drawish, President of IIUI, had signed on behalf of IIUI and both of Dr. Waleed Al-Jandal, Dean of Deanship of Information Technology, and Dr. Abdullah Al-Salamy, Dean of Deanship of Institutes Affairs Abroad, had signed on behalf of Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University.

5/8/2018 3:47 PM
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    IIUI, Chancellor, Islamic, Islamabad, Deanship, Information, Technology, Institute, Abroad, Agreement, MoU, Goals, Rector, Support, Consultation, Studies, Internet, Portal, Infrastructure, Waleed, Al-Jandal, Abdullah, Al-Salamy, Experience.