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 Organizing Committee of Judiciary Conference Convened

​Dr. Abdulaziz bin Abdul-Rahman Al-Mahmoud, Vice-Rector of Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University for Educational Affairs, has chaired on the last days the first meeting of the organizing committee of “International Conference of Judiciary and Arbitration”, which will be host by Al-Imam University on the next October, 2015.

Commencing the meeting, Dr. Al-Mahmoud was called all members to pay upmost attentions to it, for it will address the role playing by judiciary and arbitration in settling foundations of justice and equality among members of the community. He, additionally, urged the academic committee to accept research papers and studies that dealing with mechanisms of judiciary and arbitration.  

In similar vein, the meeting has discussed carefully the process of advertising the conference throughout media and social media tools, as well as the duties of the members of the organizing committee.

5/8/2018 3:48 PM
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