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 Science and Biology Female Students Visit Medical Services Centre

In significance with the second week of Al-Imam University Mawhiba Summer Program, a number of female students attributed to Science and Biology Unit had paid a visit to the Medical Service Centre of the university campus.

In the agenda of the visit, the female students have conducted several experiments to enrich their scientific knowledge, including detection of blood groups by the planted blood and experience of blood wright’s stain dye, which used to facilitate the differentiation of blood cell types. Additionally, they were received a pamphlets about the blood and its components, and the types of white and red blood cells and platelets, then they have benefited by microscoping the white blood cells.

Mrs. Al-Hanouf Al-Omani, Assistant Trainer of Medical and vitality Sciences Unit, has praised the knowledge level of the students and their comprehension and skills. He, finally, thanked King Abdulaziz & his Companion’s Foundation for Giftedness and Creativity as well as Al-Imam University and its Deanship of Giftedness, Creativity and Excellence for their support and backing to render a success to the visit.

5/8/2018 3:49 PM
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