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 Sheikh Saleh Al-Hamid Lectures at Al-Imam University

​The discourse of speech has, in fact, two sides, one for public and the other is private for scholars and esteemed leaders, says Sheikh Dr. Saleh Al-Hamid, Member of Saudi Senior Council of Ulema, and Advisor at the Saudi Royal Court, in a public lecture arranged by the Supreme Ihtsab Institute of Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University.

In his words before the audience, Sheikh Al-Hamid has stated that the construction of the human personality or the human psychological have numerous factors and characteristics, and it have a changeable aspects in the human personality, and have many dimensions to be transported aby each revelation. He also said that, we all missing regulation at the level of our sons and daughters and the level of our society and guiding them towards the righteous path.

In a similar vein, H.E. Sheikh Al-Hamid has spoken about a number of special aspects of the personality humanity: first be initiator, the second you are responsible for your life, and the third to take the initiative for change, the fourth to start and never end in mind, and the fifth failure in planning is planning for the failure. The sixth the best way to predict the future is to made or produce it, and the seventh be benefited and benefiting the others, and the eighth element, understand first and then learn others, and the last element is continuous self-renewal.

At the close of the lecture, Q & A session has launched with Sheikh Al-Hamid.

5/8/2018 3:50 PM
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