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 Al-Imam University Spokesman Issued Press Statement

Dr. Muhammad Al-Alam,Vice-Rector of Knowledge Exchange and International Communication

​On the eve of what have been raised in some websites about a verbal argument between two female employees disagreed during their daily work, working at the Medical Services Department, Dr. Muhammad Said Al-Alam, Vice-Rector of Knowledge Exchange and International Communication, and who doubles as Spokesman of Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University, has issued a press statement recently. Dr. Al-Alam’s statement has clearly revealed that, what has raised of murmurs and nonsubjective excesses are inaccurate.

As per the terms of the press statement, after making research and investigation, and take into account the necessary required legal procedures; they found that it was a merely verbal altercation between them while performing their assigned duties. The department of Medical Services has promptly passed a detailed report, attached with legal documents, to the relevant departments through the formal channels, said Dr. Al-Alam.

Continued his words, Dr. Al-Alam has reaffirmed the policy of Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University to adhere closely and strictly with the labour laws and regulations of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. “What has been circulated by some websites about the attitude of Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University to recruit non-Saudis, whom are not authorized by laws to work in violation to Residence and Employment Regulations, is not true and false. Investigations unveiled that, the non-Saudi employee has holding a valid resident card and working in accordance with a legal contract signed between the university operated-company”, said he. 

Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University always keens to implement and adhere with the related laws and regulations, and as such eagers to preserve rights of female and male employees as well as all members of the university. All are equal without discrimination of race nor nationality, but all are working in full swing to serve the university and community in light of the teachings and traditions of Islam, which enjoins justice, and good deeds, and in light of applicable laws and regulations of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, emphasized Dr. Al-Alam.

5/8/2018 3:48 PM
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